UNBOUND Prayer MinistryHoly Apostles Catholic Church offers a special prayer ministry to enable people to deal more effectively with problems in their lives, and to achieve freedom from fear, oppression, and other bondages.
Let us Pray with you on Thursday EveningsJoin us in Mary's House, adajacent to Holy Apostles Catholic Church, on Thursday evenings between 6:30 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. for Praise and Worship and teachings. Let us know about your prayer needs and intentions and we will be happy to pray with you.
Check our Praise and Worship schedule here. Come as often as you'd like. Daily Prayer to The Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, come into our lives with the power of a mighty wind.
Renew in our days Your miracles, as of a New Pentecost. Help me to grow in holiness by spending time daily in prayer, by reading Your word in Scripture, by being obedient to Your promptings and to Your will, by receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, and by avoiding sin. Holy Spirit, place in my life those who are in need of spiritual, emotional, and physical healings; those who are brokenhearted, and those who are searching for more. Enable me to minister to them in the name of Jesus and in Your power. Help me to be alert to invite others to come and experience Your touch in a special way through praise and worship at Your prayer meeting. Let Your presence be experienced among us so that Your glory may be made manifest to Your people, and in Your presence we may be changed. AMEN |
Catholic Charismatic Renewal - Diocese of Colorado SpringsDeacon Chuck Matzker
Bishop Golka's Liaison to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Email: c[email protected]
Phone: (719) 484-8733 Website: www.NewPentecost.net Facebook: NewpentecostCCRS Office: Holy Apostles Catholic Church 4925 North Carefree Circle Colorado Springs, Colorado 80917 |